Jason Ryan
author : Jason Ryan
Jason Ryan Dale is a writer of character-driven crime stories living on the East Coast of the United States. \n\nDale on why crime fiction;\n\n“There is a paradox in every crime, and therefore in every crime story. Stealing, murdering, and running a con job are all acts of betrayal. Yet, to do them well requires a small group of people who are loyal to each other. It is a beguiling contradiction that can play out in an infinite number of ways.” \n\nDale describes his influences, who are an eclectic mix;\n\n“John le Carre is my favorite author. His plots are always exciting, yet his character development is always strong. Elmore Leonard I admire for his humor and his sense for life's absurdity. His characters are always trying to bring their lives in order and only succeed in increasing the chaos, which I love. Robert E Howard uses the English language in ways nobody else does. Larry McMurtry is the best at capturing people's psychology. I feel like I know his characters so well I could carry on a conversation with any of them. Joseph Conrad is the writer I most revere, though I admit he gives me a headache sometimes.”